[RETRY #2] Web100 kernel patch on fedora stock kernels

Shahms E. King shahms at shahms.com
Thu Oct 13 01:56:47 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
|>>>>>"RS" == Rahul Sundaram <sundaram at redhat.com> writes:
| RS> Counting the number of occurances of the word is misleading since
| RS> it appears in the spec comments several times.
| I don't believe it can be both in a comment and at the beginning of a
| line, since the spec file format does not have block comments.  I
| could not find a single match that wasn't the direct application of a
| patch.  If you have evidence to the contrary, I invite you to
| enlighten me.

It won't count patches that are in comments, but spec files do support
various forms of conditional statements.  The last time I looked at the
kernel spec (which was a while ago, but still FC4) there are a number of
patches that are not used at all (inside the equivalent of an "if false"
block) and several that are architecture specific, so the count may be
off some, but certainly not by much.

- --Shahms
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