Encouraging the use of multiple packaging systems on one systems, and the resulting problems (was: re: /usr/local)

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Fri Oct 21 14:22:45 UTC 2005


You've complained again and again that Fedora's design goals are not
aligned with your own design goals. Fedora does not owe you anything. It
won't change its core principles to accomodate you. If you're right and
the Fedora people are wrong Fedora will fail but that's the Fedora people
problem. It's THEIR project and they can choose to (mis)manage it any way
they want. So accept it and move on.

If YOU want autopackage to succeed on Fedora it's YOUR problem ie YOU have
to make your packages appear like rpms to the system and register in the
rpm database. Fedora is designed as an rpm-only distribution (and that
won't change because of you).

If you don't want to make this effort, that's too bad, but you're the one
who wanted autopackages on Fedora in the first place.

Nicolas Mailhot

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