FC4 state of affairs and FC5

Michael Wiktowy mwiktowy at gmx.net
Wed Sep 7 18:48:38 UTC 2005

Tyler Larson wrote:

>Actually, I was thinking that, given the nature of such a CD, a better option
>might be to include a script on the CD that generates the correct config file
>and passes it to yum, perhaps pulling any additional settings from
>/etc/yum.conf (or perhaps not...). In such a case, it could autodetect the
>repo location, then prompt the user for confirmation.
Looking at the format of a "mirrorlist" (a simple, one-per-line list of
all the possible URLs where the repo can be found) maybe that can be
used on the CD to provide all the different possible values for the
CD/DVD-ROM mount locations generated by HAL. I would image that if yum
doesn't find one it will keep going down the list and it will find the
CDrepo eventually. Then the script would just have to call yum and point
to the ./local_cd.conf maybe even via an autorun script.


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