Move PyQt to Extras

Rex Dieter rdieter at
Sun Sep 18 17:46:21 UTC 2005

Konstantin Ryabitsev wrote:
> On 18/09/05, Rex Dieter <rdieter at> wrote:

>>PyQt wouldn't depend on PyQt-qscintilla.  It's the other way around:
>>PyQt-qscintilla would Requires: PyQt.  And, eric would Requires:
>>(So there's no need to PyQt to Extras for PyQt-qscintilla's or eric's sake)

> Not quite as simple. PyQt-qscintilla is built as part of PyQt -- it's
> not a separate package. I *could* provide PyQt-qscintilla in extras,
> leaving PyQt in core, but that would require:
> 1. fully mirroring the SRPM with the one from Core, just to add the
> qscintilla bits
> 2. constantly coordinating with the PyQt in Core to make sure we don't diverge
> That's really not efficient. It'd be far more so to have both PyQt and
> Qscintilla (parts of the same project, really) in the same repository.

I undetstand all that, however, what you suggest is not possible for 
anything < FC5, so I'd suggest trying to make do as best you can (ie, 
packaging only PyQt-qscintilla) if you have any intention of supporting 
anything <= FC4.

-- Rex

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