Why Elektra is the wrong approach (Was Re: The Strengths and Weakness of Fedora/RHEL OS management)

Shane Stixrud shane at geeklords.org
Mon Apr 3 06:17:12 UTC 2006

On Mon, 3 Apr 2006, David Zeuthen wrote:

> It seems that Elektra simply wants to remap the configuration file for a 
> piece "software" into a hierarchical key/value database and I think that's 
> missing the point entirely. First of all you got to ask yourself whether 
> there should be a configuration of said piece of software in the first place. 
> If you think really hard about it you will find that for most pieces of 
> software this is false - you really don't want any configuration files... 
> Hence you really don't want nor need Elektra.

Software without configuration options what a novel idea... In all 
seriousness that day will come long after the paperless bathroom....


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