Fedora Bounties (seeking ideas)

seth vidal skvidal at linux.duke.edu
Tue Apr 18 01:45:54 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-04-17 at 22:18 +0200, Ralf Ertzinger wrote:
> Hi.
> seth vidal <skvidal at linux.duke.edu> wrote:
> > again - how do we determine this w/o downloading the information?
> How about downloading and then determining if the information is older
> than the information we already have?
> Sure, we have downloaded unneeded information. But it's better than
> going ahead and actually using information we know to be outdated.

It just means we have to make an additional temp file and compare it
every time. It costs time for the generic case where the files have
changed and are newer. That being the most common case.


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