Madwifi/wpa_supplicant packaging

Dan Williams dcbw at
Sun Apr 23 17:06:14 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-04-22 at 09:06 +0100, Paul wrote:
> Hi,
> > That way if you grab madwifi from ATrpms, and rebuild wpa_supplicant
> > from source it will do the right thing...
> Why can't we just have madwifi-ng as a FE package?

Because it's not fully FOSS.  There's still the binary HAL module that
needs to be compiled _into_ the kernel driver.  OpenBSD has had some
success in reverse-engineering the HAL, but it's not stable yet AFAIK
and certainly isn't ready to replace the binary HAL from Atheros.

Since it's not fully open, we can't include madwifi-ng in Extras or
Core.  Therefore, we also can't depend on any such package for


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