CPU Frequency Scaling

Miloslav Trmac mitr at volny.cz
Mon Dec 4 20:10:41 UTC 2006

David Zeuthen napsal(a):
> On Mon, 2006-12-04 at 14:38 -0500, Matthew Miller wrote:
>> Okay, let me phrase it differently. Moving our OS forward is great, but
>> there's no reason to _encourage_ this forward movement to be in directions
>> that fit in less well in existing production environments. The situation
>> where it's a great step forward for remote administration if and only if you
>> set up a whole new special infrastructure is counterproductive.
> The whole proposal was put on the table to make life sweeter for system
> administrators like yourself.
If the system administrators have the choice between
1) writing a shell script that echo(1)s settings to files in sysfs,
2) writing a shell script that writes them to gconf (which is more
complicated and not as easy to test as cat()ing sysfs files), running
g-p-m and gconfd,

why would they choose option 2) ?  Regardless of the rosy possible
future, you need sysadmin buy-in to the proposed solution _now_.  If you
don't get the buy-in in the first, say, two Fedora releases after the
code is introducted, getting it later will be much harder.

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