Xen under vmware

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Tue Dec 5 13:27:22 UTC 2006

Ralf Ertzinger wrote:

> I am not sure how a Xen-enabled kernel in a vmware guest cares what
> the kernel on the vmware host does with it's network, but somewhere
> packets get dropped.
> The "naked" xen kernel in the guest (without xend started) can network
> just fine. With xend started (network-bridge) I see ARP requests leaving
> the guest, arriving on the host and ARP replies leaving the host.
> But those never make it to the guest.

vmware behaves the same if you merely have a wireless network on the 
host, it's not a Xen thing.  On my box with XP in vmware on top of FC6 I 
see this in dmesg (on recent vmware versions, there used to be no sign 
of why ARPs didn't get forwarded)

vmnet: You are trying to use wireless bridged networking together with
vmnet: vmware-any-any-update.  This is not supported configuration, and
vmnet: your wireless bridge will probably not work.


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