ideal config management framework [was: CPU Frequency Scaling]

Florin Andrei florin at
Wed Dec 6 18:23:57 UTC 2006

Thomas M Steenholdt wrote:

> Still, if a new config system should make configging things easier, it 
> would have to work all over the place. No apps should use other 
> config-methods and *swoosh*, we're windows (in the worst possible 
> sense). Not that I'm totally against adopting things that work fine on 
> other OS's, but the windows registry is a notorious mess.

I think it's a mess for two reasons:
1. the information is structured in a highly non-intuitive way
2. the tools one can use to access and modify the registry are very 

Both are easy to avoid. E.g., Elektra does a reasonable job at avoiding 
reason #1.

> Also - Think of the additional error scenarios when init is gconf'ed. 
> The same complexity is added for everything else that adopts a registry 
> based configuration engine (since that engine has to be operational for 
> it to work in the first place) but may not be quite as aparrent.

A very small part of the system might make sense to stay out of the 
registry. init seems to me a likely candidate.

Florin Andrei

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