how can i add a patch to kernel-2.6.spec

Jörn Rink j.rink at
Sat Dec 16 23:51:04 UTC 2006

i want to add a patch for me to the kernel-2.6.spec file and recompile
the kernel.

I have downloaded the kernel source, install it and i put the
patch to the $RPMBUILD/SOURCE directory.
In the spec file there are Patch number with patches behind.

When i add a new number and my patch, it is ignored by rpmbuild -bp.

But there is also no error msg.

I found no hint where the Patch Numbers are defined, but when i comment
out, eg Patch4, i get an error msg.

So, how can i add a patch, or where are the numbers defined?

I want to add the linux phc patch (undervolting my thinkpad t43)

patching, configuring and compiling works, but i have to patch it
manually in the $RPMBUILD/BUILD directory.


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