Testing Xen. Some quick questions.

Adam Huda wolverine_ at mac.com
Wed Feb 8 06:15:48 UTC 2006

The error I reported earlier actually occurs after bug 177644. Sorry  
about that.

One suggestion for xenguest-install.py. You might want to set the  
initial value of ram to 256. It is a little confusing when it prints  
out "ERROR: Installs currently require 256 megs of RAM." in  
interactive mode (running without any command line args) before your  
prompted with  "How much RAM should be allocated (in megabytes)? ".

On Feb 7, 2006, at 9:30 PM, Naoki wrote:

>>> Is there a simple way to fake a netboot so I can use my existing
>>> kickstart scripts and build OS instances the same way I would with
>>> normal physical hardware?
>> Realistically, the xenguest-install stuff is pretty much faking  
>> netboot.
>> Run it with --help to see the way to pass the various things to it as
>> command line arguments and you can use -x for passing things like ks=
> As we say in my country, "Sweet mate!".  I've tested with current
> rawhide and it's looking good except for the stage2 problem which I
> think has already been covered today.
> Quick note about -l LOCATION, --location=LOCATION :
> "http://host:/path" may be confusing because it will not work with the
> middle ":" unless a port is specified.  Perhaps "http://host:port/ 
> path"
> is better?
> -- 
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