Questioning Pirut

Willem Riede wrrhdev at
Mon Feb 20 23:56:55 UTC 2006

On 02/20/2006 05:18:17 PM, Jeremy Katz wrote:
> Maybe go read the last paragraph of my mail?  Like I said, something
> like this for the pirut case could make a reasonable amount of sense.
> Going back to a dialog much like the one from system-config-packages
> where you get something like (excuse my bad ascii art)
>   ----------------------------------
>   | Going to install X packages    |
>   | Going to remove Y packages     |
>   |   v Details                    |
>   |                  [Cancel] [OK] |
>   ----------------------------------
> isn't at all hard to do.  And thinking about things like group removal,
> I can see where it makes sense to bring this sort of thing back.  The
> question is mostly around whether there's a better way to present the
> information

Group removal is exactly what I brought up yesterday. I would be satisfied  
with the above mockup, provided that the screen that comes up with details  
gives the apportunity to toggle the selection of individual packages in the  
group - dependencies permitting of course (one option is to gray out with  
package locked if required by another package; or ripple through to  
dependants, where if I toggle off a package that others depend on those get  
deselected too).

Group install should have the similar capability. I may not want the exact set  
that is defined in comps.

Thanks, Willem Riede.

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