RFE: Retire Fedora Core 4 only _after_ FC6 has been released.

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at redhat.com
Wed Jan 18 22:59:17 UTC 2006

Ian Pilcher wrote:

>Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>>You dont get it. The transition happens based on the subsequent releases
>>and are *not* based on N months time period of any sort. For example ff
>>we decide to having a development release cycle of one year for FC6, FC4
>>would get benefited from a longer release maintenance cycle from Fedora
>>Core developers.
>So you're saying that Arjan's explanation of the reasons for the current
>policy are wrong.  If that's the case, what are the reasons?
Originally I believe test2 was just one of those convenient milestone 
for transition into legacy. It was not originally a rigid policy. So 
Arjan's description has been right. Now it seems we have settled down on 
using it consistently. Unless something major pop's up thats probably 
going to be true for subsequent releases too.


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