new s-c-soundcard in rawhide

A S Alam aalam at
Sat Jul 1 05:25:37 UTC 2006

Martin Stransky ਨੇ ਲਿਖਿਆ:
> Hello guys,
> there is a new version of s-c-s in rawhide (2.0.0). It has some new 
> features like new GUI, proc&HAL detection, driver reloading and card 
> ordering.
> I'll be happy for any feedback and/or BZ entries.
> Martin
1) stop button does not stop Sound, music is going one, even message box 
appear to showing that "Did you hear sample sound?"
2) if you click on some other window, Message box hide behind main 
window, it like to be always on top of main window


A S Alam

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