DejaVu fonts for Fedora Core 6 feedback call

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at
Wed Jul 5 08:50:24 UTC 2006

Le Mer 5 juillet 2006 08:37, dragoran a écrit :

> I tryed it but for me the default font used in apps (FC5) looks better
> and is easier to read...
> the new fonts look to 'thin' and are harder to read because of this ..
> notes:
> 1) I am using a TFT with a german locale + no subpixel AA, but greyscale
> AA
> 2) I have recompiled the freetypelib with the bytecode interpretter
> enabled

I seem to remember the bytecode interpreter makes DejaVu lighter (and
users of proprietary systems prefer it this way). Can you try it with the
default fedora freetype ?

I've opened the following ticket. Feel free to complete it


Nicolas Mailhot

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