yum vs apt

seth vidal skvidal at linux.duke.edu
Wed Jun 28 02:09:11 UTC 2006

> By the way, I understand, that sometimes it maight happen that dependencies 
> are screwed up a little. I understand that anaconda installs packages 'as 
> they are', without looking on dependencies.
> What I don't understand is why yum, when invoked for the first time on my 
> fresh installed system with: 'yum check-update && yum upgrade', didn't say 
> something like:
> "hey, you've got docbook-dtds, it requires openjade, which is missing, so I'm 
> going to install it". It was the first thing 'apt' has shown, when I'd 
> installed it yesterday.
> Yum has beeen working hapily for one month (I upgrade packages at least twice 
> a week), but haven't noticed such a simple problem.

Does that make sense? Does it make sense for yum to cease to work b/c
someone has gotten some unrelated package into a completely hosed state?
B/c someone has --force and --nodep'd their way into brokenness?


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