The Strengths and Weakness of Fedora/RHEL OS management

Joe Desbonnet jdesbonnet at
Mon Mar 27 22:46:17 UTC 2006

On 3/27/06, Shane Stixrud <shane at> wrote:
> If for every "key": its default, possible values (on, off string, float
> etc..) is readily accessible and for every key there is a simple
> description much of this complexity is eliminated.

Yes, I think this is what's missing: if for each config file there was
a schema things would be better. For example I've pasted below a clip
from a  schema of a web microsite generator I'm working on. This not
only describes the data, it allows me to make a web based editor on
the fly, by specifying the appropriate widget to edit an item an and
help text.


                <field id="theme" datatype="enum" name="Theme">
                        <option id="autumn" name="Autumn" />
                        <option id="spring" name="Spring" />
                        <option id="winter" name="Winter" />
                        <option id="test" name="Test" />
                <field id="title" datatype="string" name="Title"
                        helptext="The title of the website. It is used
in the header of very page." />
                <field id="slogan" datatype="string" name="Slogan"
                        helptext="A slogan or strap line which appears
under the site title on every page."/>

                <field id="left_image" datatype="image" name="Left block image."
                        helptext="The left block image. 300x200 pixels." />

                <field id="custom_css" datatype="string" name="Custom CSS"
                        helptext="Custom CSS" />


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