Fedora's way forward

Dimi Paun dimi at lattica.com
Wed Mar 29 17:12:54 UTC 2006

From: "Jason L Tibbitts III" <tibbs at math.uh.edu>
> As I understand things, Red Hat has someone dedicated to
> gcjwebplugin.  It's nontrivial; first, all of classpath needs an audit
> and then the security manager has to be written.

While it's great that Red Hat does this, I don't think this is a
big deal from a consumer perspective. Java has been dead as disco
on the web for some time, there are precious few sites that use it.

It sucks so badly (in Linux or Windows, it doesn't really matter)
that I refuse to even visit sites that use it. I can not fathom
what would posses someone to still use it on the internet in this
day and age.

It may be useful in intranets, which is why it makes sense for Red Hat
to have a working solution to this problem. But that's not a consumer
level problem.

Dimi Paun <dimi at lattica.com>
Lattica, Inc.

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