Static linking considered harmful

Bill Nottingham notting at
Tue Nov 28 18:12:35 UTC 2006

Olivier Galibert (galibert at said: 
> Ok, so glibc maintains backwards compatibility only for bug-free
> programs.  Show of hands, who has a bug-free program around?

Of course we maintain it for programs that actually use the API
the way they're intended.

Here's an example - we had a bug filed once (this was years ago) about
how someone's app was segfaulting when they tried to execute a helper
program. Why? Because they weren't null-terminating the arguments
to execl()!

They pressed, and pressed - "this worked in RHL 4.2 - you need to support
this!". But, realistically, if your code only worked by accident, you
can't expect it to be supported eternally.


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