help with building SRPMS...

bikehead bikehead at
Mon Oct 2 16:36:59 UTC 2006

I need to rebuild NetworkManager from sources because I suspect that the
madwifi special wifi patch is being applied even though it shouldn't.  I
do this all the time for FC5, but I seem to be having problems with
doing this in FC6 and I'm hoping I can get some help with this to speed
me on my way:

1)  I noticed that /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-development.repo has a
"development-source" entry that is disabled by default.  First of all
the mirror list entry fails and I have to edit it to use the baseurl
entry.  However, how do I get it to install the SRPM?  It just claims
that NetworkManager is already installed.  I can get around this by just
downloading the SRPM using wget, but I was wondering if there is some
yum voodoo I'm missing go get yum to do it for me (and maybe even try
and resolve the build dependencies).

2)  I have %_topdir set to a non-root build directory and I rpm -hiv the
SRPM.  When I do rpmbuild -bb SPEC/NetworkManager.spec, it immediately
fails because of a line like '%if %{fc6_or_later}'".  When I changed it
to '%if "%{fc6_or_later}"' it at least doesn't blow with a syntax
error.  However,....

3) [disregard this complaint, just as I finished typing it, these
packages appeared] It fails with missing dependencies like
"wireless-tools-devel", "gettext-devel", "libnl-devel",
"libnotify-devel", and "perl-XML-Parser".  However,  I can't find these
in development or extras-development.

Obviously, NetworkManager is being build by someone since it appears in
the repo,  but I can't figure out what I'm missing to make this work.

thanks for any pointers

   __o    Brian "la lumaca"
(*)/ (*)

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