Xfce 4.4 call for testing

Patrice Dumas pertusus at free.fr
Thu Oct 5 19:28:23 UTC 2006

> We might revisit that idea in a few weeks if the devel/fc6 bits all
> look good and stable, but it's a reasonably large undertaking to
> update everything and gets the plugins and core bits in sync, etc.

I, personally don't think it is worth having xfce 4.4 in fc5. Too much 
work and too much risk of breakage for little gain (I switched back 
and forth and I didn't saw much difference, except now there are icons
but I don't use xfce for that ;-). However it should be good to have 
4.4 'specific' apps in fc5, like exo, Terminal, thunar and so on (if 
they aren't there allready and there are no missing deps, of course).


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