
Joachim Frieben jfrieben at
Thu Oct 12 08:45:34 UTC 2006

I have been using "epiphany" as my default browser for more than 2 years,
and I really wonder why the standard "GNOME" web browser still isn't
installed as the default application. I used a customized "Fedora" package
built against "xulrunner" already about 6 months ago, and it worked well
for me.Similarly, "konqueror" has come a long way, and could certainly be used as
default browser when "KDE" is chosen as desktop evironment. Both are better
integrated with their respective desktop environments than "firefox" is, and
one would also speed up development and further debugging of those packages.
No need to include "firefox" in the base install. It could (should) even be
moved to "extras" then.

> AFAIK, Firefox is dual-licensed under MPL and GPL so there shouldn't be
> any problems with the code.  I believe we can safely change the name
> and icons (just call it "Web Browser" in true Gnome fashion).  If
> that's the case, then there's no reason not to stick with the original
> Firefox codebase.

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