Firefox trademark shenanigans (Re: Any chance of getting Firefox 2.0 into rawhide/FC6?)

Christopher Aillon caillon at
Sat Oct 14 15:41:26 UTC 2006

Evandro Fernandes Giovanini wrote:
> Em Sáb, 2006-10-14 às 05:19 +0530, Rahul Sundaram escreveu:
>> If you have more specific information about the 
>> kind of licenses for logos which would allow to protect trademarks while 
>> allowing free modifications, I would interested to know that.
> IANAL; I'm not sure releasing a file (a png for example) under the GPL
> gives away your right to protect the trademark. This is what Larry
> Rosen's comment on that article seems to imply. 

It's unclear who's right.  I've heard arguments from other lawyers that 
the GPL simply cannot apply to images as the GPL itself explicitly 
refers to "source code" and its arguable whether an image is (I don't 
personally think images are source code, but a lawyer I am not).  A 
license that better serves images such as a CC license might work best.

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