RFE: yum show which package needed what dependency

Jason Dravet dravet at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 25 14:44:29 UTC 2006


I am running rawhide.  I was doing a yum update today and I noticed that yum 
added 5 packages to resolve dependencies.  It would be nice if yum told me 
which package it was updating that needed what dependencies.  Here is a list 
of dependences that yum added:
Installing for dependencies:
binutils                i386    development       2.9 M
gettext                i386       0.14.6-2.fc6     development       1.4 M
gnome-mag        i386       0.13.1-1.fc6     development        93 k
m4                      i386       1.4.5-3          development       133 k
patch                  i386       2.5.4-29.2.2     development        64 k

I am requesting something like:
Installing for dependencies:
binutils                i386    development       2.9 M
binutils needed to resolve dependencies on foo
gettext                 i386       0.14.6-2.fc6     development       1.4 M
gettext needed to resolve dependencies on bar
gnome-mag               i386       0.13.1-1.fc6     development        93 k
gnome-mag needed to resolve dependencies on foo and bar
m4                      i386       1.4.5-3          development       133 k
patch                   i386       2.5.4-29.2.2     development        64 k

If other people think this is of value I will open a RFE bug.


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