Yum-presto 0.3.5

Florian La Roche laroche at redhat.com
Thu Apr 5 13:10:20 UTC 2007

On Wed, Apr 04, 2007 at 06:04:05PM +0300, Jonathan Dieter wrote:
> Thanks to those who have reported bugs with 0.3.4.  Sorry about that
> boneheaded bug in the rebuilding thread.  0.3.5 is now up for download,
> though again I'm not pushing into the presto repository until I've
> gotten some people using it without having any show-stopping bugs.
> Yum-presto 0.3.5 has improved logging, though it still doesn't log any
> errors.  It does log each delta now as it builds it and gives very clear
> information.
> On a side note: any packages with huge amounts of documentation produce
> very poor deltarpms.  The reason for this is that rpm unsets the verify
> bit on any %docs, and deltarpms include the full file of anything with
> the verify bit unset.
> Is this intended behavior from rpm?

Maybe deltarpm should be changed to only package up %config files,
but ignore the %verify bits? Would this hurt in many rpm packages?


Florian La Roche

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