Looking for co-maintainers for my packages

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Wed Aug 22 04:59:13 UTC 2007

On 21.08.2007 20:55, Denis Leroy wrote:
> Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
>>     * ghex -- A binary editor for GNOME
> I can help you with that one, if nobody claimed it yet...

drago already volunteered and got approved, but I think having two
co-maintainers is the better then one.

So please go to
and apply for watchbugzilla, watchcommits and commit for devel and F-7
and FC-6 (and EPEL, if you want).

Note: I'll likely flip "cvsextras - the group members can commit?" bit
when you joined, because then I think it shouldn't be needed anymore
(albeit I still would prefer to give a sponsors-group the ability to
modify my packages, but that's not possible easily ATM).


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