BIND will completely drop D-BUS dynamic forwarders table support

Dan Williams dcbw at
Mon Dec 3 14:13:01 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-12-03 at 11:06 +0100, Patrice Dumas wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 03, 2007 at 11:00:27AM +0100, Adam Tkac wrote:
> > 
> > For clarify what exactly discussed feature did (nothing more). When you get
> > nameservers from DHCP dhcdbd tells to named through DBUS that named
> > should use them as forwarders and NetworkManager sets as
> > default nameserver in resolv.conf. So you could use named as
> > caching-nameserver on laptops and you don't have to edit named.conf
> > always when you move to different network. I think it makes sence add
> > this feature to some light DNS server but not into named. It's simply
> > too heavy-weight solution. Also upstream will never accept such feature
> > because this is not primary BIND mission. Domain name modification
> > should be done with nsupdate utility through DDNS update message which
> > is part of DNS protocol.
> If there is a design flaw, as you seem to be implying, dropping it as
> soon as possible is, in my opinion, the best thing to do (at least in
> fedora ;-), to ease as much as possible the transition path.

Yeah, I think that's probably the best; if upstream won't take D-Bus
bits _and_ they provide an alternate method for updating the
caching-only nameserver, that's probably the better choice in the long
run.  Plus I'm pretty sure that the named D-Bus code was really, really


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