BIND will completely drop D-BUS dynamic forwarders table support

Colin Walters walters at
Wed Dec 5 21:04:55 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 12:26 -0500, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> > That's because it calls a magic function (res_init() or something) that
> > means "really stat /etc/resolv.conf".  Bottom line is that currently on
> > Linux, if your application wants to work on roaming wireless networks,
> > you need to 
> *stat*? Don't we have inotify these days?

I don't know whether an inotify-based approach would be accepted by the
glibc maintainers.  Might be worth trying.  I have heard that glibc goes
out of its way not to have any internal file descriptors, but inotify
would require one.  I'm not sure how glibc would even use it without
creating an internal thread or something.

I think the solution is going to be to require the OS to have a caching
nameserver on localhost (i.e. /etc/resolv.conf is always, and
for NetworkManager to control that nameserver in some way.  If BIND is
dropping support for configuring itself (i.e. it doesn't want to be a
usable caching nameserver for roaming laptops), then dnsmasq may be what
we need to use.

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