BIND will completely drop D-BUS dynamic forwarders table support

Tomas Janousek tjanouse at
Wed Dec 5 23:07:01 UTC 2007


On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 09:12:28AM -0500, Colin Walters wrote:
> 2) Know that you have to call res_init() in response to that signal
> Ideally we wouldn't have 2), but that's the state of things now.

I do in no way want to start any distro flame or something, but just in case
any of you didn't notice, I'd like to add that Debian has been in this
"ideally" state for some time.

They have a glibc patch that stats resolv.conf every time a resolving function
is called. The resolv.conf file is managed by the resolvconf program and it's
kept somewhere in /dev/shm. And, well, it simply works, all the time.

TJ. (Brno, CZ), BaseOS, Red Hat

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