how is pulseaudio supposed to work?

Olivier Galibert galibert at
Mon Dec 17 18:43:19 UTC 2007

On Mon, Dec 17, 2007 at 10:11:32AM -0700, Richi Plana wrote:
> I don't think supporting sound via PulseAudio is a big issue for
> occasional VC users. But again, if PulseAudio starts itself
> automatically either via its library or some other trigger (such as a
> socket open request), it wouldn't even be an issue.

And in any case VC users is only a small part of the problem.  Users
that log in through ssh and not to be neglected.  Very often I ssh
from the laptop to the desktop to start some music because the desktop
has the files and is connected to the 5.1 audio system.


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