Is there a NFS alternative?

Daniel Yek dyek at
Wed Feb 7 20:50:44 UTC 2007

At 12:44 PM 2/7/2007, Arthur Pemberton wrote:
>On 2/7/07, Daniel Yek <dyek at> wrote:
>>It was a while ago when I read that NFS was difficult to secure with (the
>>use of) ssh and iptables (or something like that).
>>I really needed an alternative that works and can be made secure. Is GFS a
>>suitable replacement for NFS? If not, what is the closest thing to NFS?
>Subdue NFS to use only one port, firewall all other ports
>off....possible filter the NFS port too?

Thanks for replying.

That is what I read and I was looking for an alternative to that. Is there 
other solution? Or this is the best available solution already?

Daniel Yek

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