Fedora 7

Michael Wiktowy michael.wiktowy at gmail.com
Fri Jan 5 04:28:56 UTC 2007

On 1/4/07, Rahul Sundaram <sundaram at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> Jesse Keating wrote:
> > Yes, Fedora Desktop and Fedora Server will probably be the official Fedora
> > Project spins of Fedora.  Fedora KDE is the proof of concept, perhaps widely
> > used "community contributed" spin of Fedora.  That's why (IMHO) its named
> > specifically with "KDE" whereas the official spin is just "Desktop".  If you
> > don't know what "KDE" or "GNOME" is, you wouldn't know to choose it.  Desktop
> > is a good generic name that is understandable.  However if you already know
> > and prefer KDE, you know to get the KDE spin.
> It would be consistent to have something like
> Fedora Desktop (GNOME edition) and
> Fedora Desktop (KDE edition)
> It's confusing and discriminatory to call one of the spins as the
> desktop when you have more (which is likely to increase) than one
> desktop oriented spins.

I don't think it is descriminatory at all.

Actually, what would be consistent would be for the Gnome community to
name something "This does Foo" that has functionality Foo and the KDE
community to name something "KBar" that has the functionality Bar (and
I have a whole bunch of KStuff in my Gnome menu to prove it). Jesse's
original suggestion is more inline with that since KFedora is a bit

KDE folk seem to like their brand stuck on every piece of software
made for that desktop. Gnome folk tend not to go that route and name
their apps random obscure words and put localized descriptions in the
menus. To each their own.


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