Fedora 7

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Sat Jan 6 13:31:09 UTC 2007

Jesse Keating wrote:
> You and I just disagree that this is bad messaging.  Whether we're aiming for 
> equal footing or not, it just isn't there right now.  And to be honest, 
> putting a lot of effort into making them equal is not going to happen from 
> the Red Hat resources.  

That may be true but I am not expecting Red Hat to do all the work in 
Fedora. We dont have a community if that was true. Luckily there is a 
enthusiastic and active community around KDE in Fedora.


We've picked our desktop, what we want to put our
> efforts behind for our RHEL product line. For our product, multiple desktops
> just fractures our userbase, doubles our support needs, weakens the product 
> overall as it takes away resources better spent on total integration.

RHEL includes both GNOME and KDE.  Red Hat is going to have to support 
them both. It might not make sense of engineering to do the additional 
work. Yes, it does escalate support costs but we already have made that 
choice due to customer demands. The same case for including three 
different MTA's - sendmail, postfix and exim or anything in which we 
provide more than one implementation of similar technologies.

> that reason, the vast majority of Red Hat contribution to the Fedora 
> Community is going to be around the gnome desktop. I don't likely see this 
> changing in the foreseeable future.  

Yes. I am already aware of that.

Will there come a time that the non Red
> Hat contribution to the Fedora Community around KDE will outsurpass and 
> outshine the Red Hat contribution to the Fedora community around Gnome?  I 
> don't think so, any time soon.

Maybe but what we are doing now is not going to encourage them.

> Because it is a targetted spin for a particular peice of software, much like 
> an eclipse spin or XFCE spin or asterisk spin.

Yes, thats true for both a server and GNOME spin. Every different spin 
is targeted towards a particular set of users.

>> How is it *not* a Fedora 
>> Desktop? 
> At this point it is not THE Fedora desktop.  Its not what we want to flaunt, 
> have reviews written about, be judged upon, etc.  It is a startup, and needs 
> a lot of work/time to get to the polish / integration level we have with 
> gnome, our premier desktop.

Just because you call the spin, Fedora KDE doesnt mean people arent 
going to flaunt, review or judge it.

> You say this as if it's a good thing, I see this as another fact that KDE 
> isn't really designed for the mass userbase.  How in gods green earth is 
> somebody supposed to look at a KDE menu and know that Konqueror is for 
> browsing the web?  That "Kate" is for writing text files?

So why havent we fixed up the menu to be meaningful? Yeah right, because 
  we didnt have enough resources or we just have not cared. This is 
exactly the sort of things opening it up to the community and doing a 
targeted spin is supposed to fix.


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