Fedora 7

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Sat Jan 6 19:25:22 UTC 2007

Le samedi 06 janvier 2007 à 13:42 -0500, David Zeuthen a écrit :

> It's comparing apple's and orange's. Extras has very concrete needs to
> be that organized because if the repo is not consistent it breaks for
> everybody.

Because the desktop does not need to be consistent?

> All this talk about Fedora community is good. But I think people are
> missing out that there's a world beyond Fedora (upstream) that you
> _need_ to interact with if you want to make a difference. It also scales
> a helluva better.

I think you are missing out that

1. people can not interact directly with all the upstreams Fedora builds
on (do you? not just the parts you're working on but all the other bits
you use). Even a dozen upstream MLs is sufficient to saturate any inbox.

2. rahul is one of the few people that tries to be active on the various
Fedora channels and put everything together, if you find him clueless
why I can't begin to imagine what your opinion of a basic community
contributor is

3. you complain the desktop team is misunderstood but as far as I know
its only frontend is http://fedora.redhat.com/About/Projects/desktop/
(almost no info, retired wiki, no reference to the famous irc channel
everyone should know of)

4. you feel you spend too much time on packaging work yet you totally
ignore all the non-redhat people packaging desktop bits in current
Extras. They're not going to help you if you persist being in stealth

I've been seriously asked in the past if the Fedora Desktop Team
actually existed. That sums up the current situation pretty well.

Nicolas Mailhot
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