Fedora 7

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Mon Jan 8 15:59:29 UTC 2007

Le Lun 8 janvier 2007 16:03, Jack Tanner a écrit :

> Since we're talking pie in the sky, I give to you Hardware Buddy.

1. You don't want an install-time check because
 a. in our brave new hotplug world hardware composition of a system
evolves over time
 b. just because something does not work *today* does not mean it won't
work a month later when the software part is updated (unfortunately, the
reverse is true). The user must have the possibility to change his

2. You don't want to cull failing devices too - knowing the installed
hardware base available to linux systems is crucial to focus new driver
development/manufacturer evangelization

3. You should allow fully automated non-interactive mode - non reviewed
data is better than no data and most users will get sick reporting every
time they plug a new usb bit on their system

4. Feeds to other projects (for example pciid database feed) would be
beneficial both to the community and as Fedora advertising.

Unfortunately, we're both a bit late for Christmas.

Nicolas Mailhot

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