Fedora 7 vs 6 installation - disk layout

David Timms dtimms at iinet.net.au
Thu Jan 11 21:01:42 UTC 2007

Jerry Williams wrote:
> Now that you mention it there is another option that I would like to see
> with the disk layout.  A lot of the times I am doing a new install over a
> previous version of Fedora.  So it would be nice as an option to leave the
> partitions alone, but format them and mount them in the same place.
> I know that it shows me the previous mount point for normal partitions, but
> I think LVM doesn't.
 From memory that is correct. My solution was to name my lvs:
LogVolSlash, LogVolHome etc, because the previous lv name is displayed, 
and can then be assigned by the user in the UI.

Since anaconda {partitioning} can use the old partition labels to 
display to the user, it would make sense to click a button to say do it 
{assigning existing labeled partitions to the same named mount points}, 
rather than requiring user to click through a heap of things. If that 
made sense, the same should be possible with the lv names {::if:: they 
were decently named}.


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