Fedora Server Spin

Olivier Galibert galibert at pobox.com
Sat Jan 13 16:49:56 UTC 2007

On Fri, Jan 12, 2007 at 01:59:27PM -0500, Jesse Keating wrote:
> We can probably get to that.  I'm intersted in seeing a well trimmed core/base 
> that is the "default" install.  It is not minimal, it has things like yum, 
> and maybe a client or to for poking at the network.  Then we have some groups 
> for various server tasks that people can look into and select exactly what 
> they want.  Including some system-config-* stuff for managing these things, 
> and the x/xauth libraries for running these over ssh (no X on the box).  
> Also, no compiler.  All those things are gainable by yum install after the 
> fact, or enabling the monster repo during the install and checking those.
> That sounds like a "Server" spin to me.

No, that's a minimal install.  A server spin installs the "fedora
selection" of servers to do usual server tasks, which probably means
things like http/https/webdav, web caching, ftpd, ldap, mail, DB, etc.

A minimal install is an install that is good enough to boot the
system, log on it and install what you really need, but is not in
practice usable by itself.


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