Fedora 7 - USB Install method - Everything ISO.

Naoki naoki at valuecommerce.com
Tue Jan 16 03:52:15 UTC 2007

DVDs are a pain, they are cumbersome and too small to fit a full OS
necessitating the separate Desktop/Server/KDE spins that are currently
garnering so much attention.

Fedora Core started supporting installation from a USB device with core
6, which is excellent. Although the procedure as documented
( http://fedora.redhat.com/docs/install-guide/fc6/en/sn-preparing-usb-media.html ) states you need to download and 'burn' the diskboot image with dd to the device. But doesn't seem to explain much after that, do you use HDD install from that device?

Considering for ~$100 you can get an 8GB USB flash or 20G HDD storage
device, and USB ports have appeared on every computer since about the
same time as DVD came out (USB 1.0 spec released in January 1996) it's
now considerably cheaper and more practical than the combination of a
DVD burner on a network attached machine, DVD-ROM drives on all the
client machines, and DVD media. 

So would it not make sense to have an "everything" ISO for use on
removable USB devices?

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