New VCS Choice; SCM SIG

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at
Tue Jan 23 06:09:07 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 22:12 -0600, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
> >>>>> "JB" == Josh Boyer <jwboyer at> writes:
> JB> I can see some use cases for using branching with git, simply
> JB> because branches are trivial to create and work with.
> I would really like to be able to create a branch within one of our
> "fake release branches" (the "FC-6" or "devel" directories) that gets
> built and pushed to a separate repository.  In the simplest sense, I
> could make a "testing" branch that gets built instead of the main
> branch and pushed to the -testing repository instead of the main one.
I see a couple steps here:
1) Create a new branch.
2) Associate the branch with another repository for building and
packages to land.

Added this as:
  Branch and build for alternate repositories (ex: testing)

> But perhaps I'm thinking about this in the wrong way, and with the
> distributed SCMs there's probably a better way to do that kind of
> thing.

There are multiple ways that this could be done.  If we have the
resources, I'd probably advocate letting package maintainers create a
branch in the repository.  Then in the packageDB, assign that branch to
a different collection (where a collection like "Fedora Testing 6" would
search for packages in "Fedora Core 6" if they weren't in FT6.)  You
could also make the repositories you build against and the repositories
the package lands in separate but that might be going a bit too far.

Perhaps collection owners would have control of what the branch name
should be to build for their collection.

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