CD/DVD cataloging software

Dan Horák dan at
Mon Jul 16 17:21:23 UTC 2007


I have spend this weekend with looking for a software that will
catalogue content of CDs and DVDs (I want to know what file is on which
CD/DVD). My requirements were simple - work current Fedora (>=6) and
automagicly use the disc name when storing the content. As 

name		version		platform	current	use disc
						Fedora	name
gtktalog	1.0.4		C/gtk1		no	?
gwhere		0.2.3		C/gtk1,gtk2	no*	yes
CdCat		1.01b		C/qt		no*	no
gnomecatalog	0.2.1		Python/gtk	no	?
cdcollect	0.6.0		Mono		no	?

* = can read content of the folder where the disc is mounted

The main problem is that these softs are looking for CD/DVDs into a
fixed path (/media/cdrom, ...) which doesn't exist in current Fedoras as
it uses gnome-mount which uses HAL. Also most of them are dead or almost
dead projects.

As a result I have chosen gwhere for my usage. It required not so much
effort to make it build and then work. You can find it at The CDCollect project
looks quite promising, but I don't know how to integrate scanning of
gnome-mounted (using HAL) discs.

When some other solution exists (Beagle?), please let me know.

		Dan Horak

Fedora maintainer: TinyERP, Code::Blocks, QGit, Tailor

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