the most serious bug in F7 I found so far...

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Sun Jul 22 14:15:39 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-07-22 at 16:02 +0200, Valent Turkovic wrote:
> It is THE most serious bug I have encontered with Fedora 7 and my
> subjective feeling is that nobody has even looked at it and that is
> being ignored.

Welcome to open source. Maybe you can get your money back?

Seriously, if you want _immediate_ response from engineering people to
fix a specific bug then you probably ought to buy a RHEL subscription or
some other supported vendor product.

For this sort of bug you will need to debug the problem a little more,
try to reproduce on other hardware and try to find the specific way that
this can be reproduced. If you then approach upstream development teams
then the issue is likely to be fixed much quicker (in my experience).

Posting on a fedora-development mailing list isn't going to get things
fixed any quicker.


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