perl-Encode-HanExtra, perl-Encode-JIS2K anyone?

Ville Skyttä ville.skytta at
Wed Jul 25 18:37:32 UTC 2007


Anyone interested in packaging and submitting for review these two CPAN 
distributions or one of them?

A new version of W3C markup validator was released today, and it depends on 
these, thus blocking the update.  So if someone submits them, ping me and 
I'll help with the review.

If nobody shows up, I'll consider submiting them and will then need help with 
the review ;).  But I'd really prefer someone else to submit them though as I 
can't even read the characters these beasts operate on... alternatively it 
could be possible to remove hard dependencies on these by patching, but I'd 
rather not go there either.

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