Feature idea: package an installer image as a grub entry before F8.

Jeremy Katz katzj at redhat.com
Tue Jun 5 22:06:39 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-06-05 at 18:02 -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
> But let's assume given your argument and the above that we would need to
> take the full image approach.  It seems that the storyboard architecture
> would look like:

Pretty much.  The "how you discover what packages are necessary to be
upgraded" is really the tricky part.  You might just want to make a copy
of the rpmdb into the magic chroot and then use it as opposed to
anything more direct. 

Then the other big question is where do you store how ever big the size
of the updates is, but you could even be clever and do things like
asking if you want to store them on like an ipod and then be able to
discover the store of packages being there.


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