Future SCM Technology

Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski dominik at greysector.net
Thu Jun 7 10:12:14 UTC 2007

On Wednesday, 06 June 2007 at 21:58, Jeffrey C. Ollie wrote:
> It's F7+5 and F8T1-57 (yes, less than two months until F8T1 under the
> current schedule[1]).  If we are going to replace CVS[2] with another
> SCM for hosting the Fedora Package Repository we need to get started
> now!  And to get things started, we need to discuss what kinds of
> workflow we want our new SCM to support.
> Here's a list of things to think about (thanks to Jeremy Katz):
> * How do we make it easier for a maintainer to rebase their package to a
> newer upstream?
> * How do we make it easier for a maintainer to develop, test, and create
> a patch to fix a problem that's being experienced in Fedora?
> * How do we make it easy to send these patches to the upstream of the
> project being worked on?
> * How do we enable downstreams to take our bits, track them and make
> changes as they need/want?
> * How do we better enable a user who has a problem with something we
> ship to be able to fix it themselves and get the fix back to us?

I, for one, would welcome something similar to svn cp and svn mv,
which allows you to copy and rename files (I'm thinking patches)
while preserving change history.


Fedora Extras contributor  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DominikMierzejewski
Livna contributor http://rpm.livna.org MPlayer developer http://mplayerhq.hu
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        -- Delenn to Lennier in Babylon 5:"Confessions and Lamentations"

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