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Stefan Held obi at unixkiste.org
Mon Jun 18 15:18:05 UTC 2007

Am Montag, den 18.06.2007, 10:55 -0400 schrieb Adam Jackson:

> If you didn't catch the discussion of this elsewhere:
> This is entirely likely to break respin tools if they were relying on
> these Requires.  Please report any breakages.

Please don't get me wrong. Instead of fixing this garbage at the right
place (legal) we have to make a technical second or more worse, third
place solution?

> - ajax

You said you are trying to make a respin, did you? 
Did it work? What has happend? 

I never saw you complaining it does break anything actually. Only it
could. I still think it would be way better to have an even non official
grub-boot-gfx without any fedora logo (even an Fedora Blue Background
would fit) in it than this solution.


 Stefan Held                    VI has only 2 Modes:
 obi unixkiste org              The first one is for beeping all the time,
 FreeNode: foo_bar              the second destroys the text.
Fedora Ambassador:                 http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/StefanHeld
perl -e'map{print pack c,($|++?1:13)+ord,select$,,$,,$,,$|}split//,ESEL.$/'
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