Fedora Rel-Eng Meeting Recap 2007-JUN-25

John Poelstra poelstra at redhat.com
Wed Jun 27 22:56:12 UTC 2007

Recap and full IRC transcript found here:

Please make corrections and clarifications to the wiki page.

== Fedora 5 EOL  ==
  * Fedora 5 goes EOL end of this month, not very far away.
Decision: jkeating will create a wiki page to track the various tasks 
releng needs to accomplish to shut down Fedora 5 updates.  Various tasks 
will be assigned to various releng folks and an announcement will be 
sent regarding the tasks and timing of the shutdown.

== Automatic promotion of updates ==
  * FESCo couldn't agree on anything so they approved the general 
concept of doing automatic promotion of upgrades.  It's up to releng and 
QA to create a framework around how it should work.

=== Agreed upon Constraints ===
  * autopromotion of updates default to off, checkbox can be clicked to 
turn it on, delay defaults to 7 days.
  * Ability for (at least) other maintainers to block or ''stop'' an 
update is a pre-requisite to enabling auto-promotion functionality in 
our update system.

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