FW: F7 T2 Security Leak?

Michaël Vanderheeren michael.vanderheeren at gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 17:10:13 UTC 2007

I think there's a security leak in F7. I found out the next thing:

Look at this situation:

There are 2 accounts on a computer, call them A and B. Each account has it's
own different password.

Person A starts up the computer and logs in. But at a certain point person B
wants to use his account for 5 minutes. So he uses the Fast User Switch. As
this happens person A's account stays active. But
 person B can switch back
to person A's account without entering a password! So if person A is gone
for a while, person B can steal his documents, delete files, 




Michaël Vanderheeren

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