User directories integration - request for help

Alexander Larsson alexl at
Mon Mar 19 10:42:43 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 11:35 +0100, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> Le Lun 19 mars 2007 10:42, Alexander Larsson a écrit :

> > So, I don't think this is a better solution. (As I didn't when it was
> > proposed in the discussions leading to the design of xdg-user-dirs.)
> And I can (and do) disagree with you

That is absolutely fine. People have been disagreeing on this for over
five years. There are many many proposals that all work. However, we can
really only have one implementation. I picked the one I though was best,
given a balance of all the input. None is "right" in the optimal sense,
as all proposals have issues. I think having something actually
implemented and used is better than discussing for another five years,
even if some people think that another approach would be better (that
would be true whatever approach we picked after all).

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl at    alla at 
He's a short-sighted Republican astronaut haunted by memories of 'Nam. She's a 
tortured junkie magician's assistant with a knack for trouble. They fight 

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