fedora-maintainers vs fedora-devel

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Wed Mar 21 09:23:02 UTC 2007

Mark McLoughlin wrote:

> 	It seems odd to create a boundary (i.e. fedora-maintainers is a closed
> list) between the people currently doing the work and people which might
> potentially do some work. You want to make it easier for people to
> contribute, not harder.

Yes it must be very annoying to have subhuman monkeys on the list, when
everyone knows anything good can only come from $OUR_GROUP.  And of
course once you have an $OUR_GROUP, boundaries are what you like,
because without them, horrors of horrors, people might not be able to
tell if you are a subhuman monkey or not.  Whereas now it's easy to tell
by the unif- I mean which toilets - er... fedora-maintainers membership.


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